Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Importance of Follow Through- Birdhouses, Blogs, and Holidays

I think if you asked my husband what his biggest frustration is with me (besides "the trail") he'd tell you its my lousy follow through. I'm known for starting projects and then just leaving them unfinished. Another example is our morning routine.  No matter what time we get the family up in the morning, dressed, fed, teeth brushed, etc., when its time to walk out the door to get to school and work on time, inevitably the structure of the morning falls apart in our laps. Katy might need a diaper change, or Evan gets toothpaste on his shirt and has to change, or the backpack wasn't cleaned out the night before, or I left my computer in the living room and didn't put it in my briefcase to go out the door, etc. We laugh about it, but its annoying.

 So, where I am going with this is to state my disappointment in myself for taking so long to finish these birdhouses for Katy's room. You would think I would have had them hung right after I painted them a few weeks ago, but no, they sat in my dining room collecting dust... That is, until I had some motivation. What is the best motivation for me? New Company. Not like good friend company-they know me and don't care what my house looks like.  New company is the kind of company that has never been to your house before, and whether you think you're this way or not, you want everything to appear as though your home runs like clockwork and all is perfect.  We had that kind of company on Saturday. Good friends from the job I have that does pay me, plus best friends.

So, as I was running around my home on Friday and Saturday trying to assemble dinner and clean house with two kids, I came across my birdhouses. They are too cool to shove in a closet, so I made Ben drop the yardwork  he was doing to hang them in Katy's room. He was very gracious about it, and deep down probably thrilled that I was finally bringing this project to completion (for now).

On another blog I read I had seen a clever way of hanging birdhouses on walls, and basically copied the idea. Imitation is the best form of flattery, right? So here they are in all their glory. They exceed my expectations for cute! I apologize for the grainy camera phone image.

I'm still looking for the letters of her name to go either on the birdhouses or above the hooks. My friend Blythe found some the other night at Michael's and bought them for me. I'm pumped to see if they will work.

It's amazing the motivation you can find within yourself  when you have a sense of urgency... I would be a rockstar if I responded to everything that way. HA!

Switching gears now to talk about this blog. We've been at this a little bit more than a month and I have to say that its been more fun than I ever anticipated. My initial thought was that we'd post once or twice and not "follow through". I know its still early in the game, but I have to say that  I love having this place to share my interests, thoughts, and the going ons of our life, and I hope I'm invested in this enough to maintain it for the long haul. But the best part is sharing it with a dear friend.  It kinda cracks me up that after Shannon or I  post a story, we text each other to let the other know. Our comments on the articles are transmitted through text and not on the blog. ha! Oh well, it works and we are having fun.  That said, something has been missing from all this.  Shannon and I are just two parts of a friendship that involves one more dear friend. I introduced her to the blog last night and filled her in on the story of its premise. My hope is that she will join us on this journey. While we are all busy, and probably have zero time to really invest in this thing, I'm glad I have it to share with my best friends. So come on Amiga-I guarantee you will surprise yourself!

Okay-last but not least, We've got a busy next few weeks in our house and some important holidays / birthdays to celebrate. Next weekend is Father's Day and I'm a little stressed as to what to get my awesome husband who is a wonderful father. My son has some great ideas, and I have a few, but I'm trying to come up with something clever. Ben is always so thoughtful when it comes to gifts for me. I'm a lucky girl! That said, do you have any great gift ideas, or links to great gift ideas? I'm also stressing about what to get my dad and Ben's dad.  The clock is ticking... Follow Through is key! HELP!!!

Also, my big guy is turning 6 this month and has decided he wants a pool party for his birthday. We've done his last five birthday parties in the backyard of our house. He very sweetly told me that for his 6th birthday he wanted something different. The idea of a pool party stresses me out for some reason, but I am going with it-he deserves to have what he wants for his birthday!  Yesterday I was on my favorite invitation / card / stationery site,Tiny Prints and found these awesome invites for the party. They are perfect for Evan-right down to the orange and blue swimsuit.

Unfortunately, they cost a fortune and I only need 10. There is no way I'm going to justify spending $30 plus express shipping on these cards to my husband. Ugh! That said, my new project is coming up with an alternative... wish me luck and some follow through! -Carla

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