We (a neighbor and I) decided that we needed a monthly game night for the ladies in our neighborhood. Everyone's been in a bunco group --- and everyone's quit a bunco group. Bunco's like Pampered Chef party - there's no need to keep them going. So, we settled on Left, Right, Center. It was a ton of fun. Everyone stands around a table. 3 dollar bills in front of you. Roll the dice..... L = pass a dollar to the left, R = pass a dollar to the right, C = put the dollar in the center of the table (the "pot") and it's no longer in play, Dot = you keep the dollar. The last person with a dollar wins the game! We had 11 people, so the pot was $33. We played three rounds and I won the second round.
What's a girl to do with thirty-three $1s? Buy ferns, of course! I've been looking for urns for months. My old urns (real ones from Smith and Hawken) are too small for our front door. They now look great at the back door. I have issues with anything faux but large urns are really expensive. Faux became my reality. Home Depot and Lowes have fantastic ones. But, they'd still be around $90 for two and I'm not in the mood to spend $90 on urns. I decided to move my old terra cotta pots to the front porch..... side story, I can still vividly remember buying these pots at Pike in Atlanta and they were $70 for the pair. It was '99/00 and I was fresh out of college - I had a sick feeling in my stomach for the rest of the day. But, it's 10+ years later and they're still around. This is my argument for not buying faux - the real deal always lasts longer........ -Shannon
OMG Shannon! It's amazing! It's your vision made reality. So excited for you!!